Another Middle-Aged Birthday!!
Updated: Jul 26, 2021

I really didn’t celebrate my birthday last year. 2020 was not a good year for anyone. I rarely left my house, which, for an introvert like myself, wasn’t really a big deal. Except for the fact that I was so paranoid about catching anything that I didn’t even go for walks or hikes - things that help my mental health.
My birthday last year was eh. I think we had a small cake but that was about it. It wasn’t a big deal though as I was only turning 43 last year. Not really a major milestone or anything.
However, even though 44 isn’t really a big deal, I wanted to do Something. As a streamer I thought about having a birthday stream so I looked up different ideas about how to celebrate on a Twitch stream with my viewers in a way that was comfortable for me.
I found some pretty good ideas too. First was cosplay - in my own way that is. I have a beautiful long purple and pink wig that I wore and styled my clothes and make-up in all purple.
That was really fun!

Then I set up a few alerts for my viewers to choose birthday specific just to have some fun. I included some bits and with those bits, for every bit used, I would place a candle on my birthday cake.
My birthday cake!
I went to the local bakery and bought a chocolate cake with chocolate icing and oh my goodness, it had purple trim and purple flowers! What luck! It went with my whole purple theme.
I also played my favorite game: Mass Effect 2! We had a blast!
Playing a game, having my niece call and share some good memories of us, and oh yeah, I got raided!
The raid was near the end of my stream but they came in at just the right time as I was about to fight a boss. And a lot of people came in! I got several more followers, more bits and subs!
It was a great way to end my stream!
Then after, my ex-hubby took the boys and I to dinner at KFC. It was a great evening as we haven't been out to dinner as a family since before Covid. This birthday was really just a great way to sort of move on from 2020 by celebrating the fact that I had another birthday!
It was a Great Day!!

It's so nice to see you again Jeremy and thank you for stopping in to see my new blog. 😊
cheers Michelle and Happy Birthday, It's been a bit since we've crossed paths but I love the hair and the look of the new blog. Don't be a stranger