Christmas Movies of Old

The last few weeks have been very busy. A lot is always going on at the end of the year. One thing I got to do this year is share some old Christmas movies from my childhood with my boys.
The first one is The Christmas Star

I actually couldn’t remember most of the movie. That’s how long it has been since I’ve seen this one. This movie was released in the 80’s and it’s based on an escaped prisoner who finds himself befriended by kids who think he’s Santa Claus.
Looking back at this as an adult, this whole thing is scary as a parent. The “bad guy” wasn’t a bad guy per se but rather teetering on the edge. Because he was at heart, a “good guy” it worked out. Still, as a parent, the thought of some guy who LOOKS like Santa Claus, manipulating a group of children into helping him steal something is scary because that could have gone in a VERY different direction.
However, trying to remember what I liked about the movie was a challenge. It wasn’t until the end that the movie’s plot made an impact. The movie was kinda boring but my oldest wanted to watch it with me - and that was the whole point.
I plan to share two of my absolute FAVORITE Christmas movies with them in the next week: National Lampoons Christmas Vacation and Scrooged. I remember both of those movies being HILARIOUS and I can’t wait to share them with my sons.

It wasn't just about me though. The boys chose to watch one from Their childhood: The Polar Express. Neither of them had seen that movie since they were small and it was so nice watching them take a trip down their own memory lane to a movie that they both adored.
The Hot Chocolate song is still the best.

Thanks so much for reading!

I just watched Christmas Vacation last night. Never gets old