2024: What Kind of Year Will This Be?

I have not been looking forward to 2024. That is mostly because it is Election year and I watch too much news and it is overwhelming, to say the least - depressing at most.
However, I am also looking at 2024 as a whole and not just through the lens of politics, which may be the most important election of my lifetime.
There is more to life than worrying about something that hasn’t happened yet and may not happen. I worry regardless but I also have to keep my sanity. I don’t know what lies ahead for this year but for now, I can focus on other things like my family.
My sister and niece are planning a trip to visit me this August. My oldest made the Dean’s List last semester and has been invited - for the 4th time - to join the honors society. I think, this time, I may encourage him to do it. He has been hesitant because he doesn’t know what that means, but maybe we should find out.
My youngest is in his junior year of high school and so far it’s better than last year. He is in a different program and while his grades still aren’t great, he doesn’t have the intense anxiety and panic attacks he had last year which is great!
As for me, I’m doing pretty good. On my Holiday break, I went back to an old favorite game - Dragon Age: Origins (my mod list will be updated soon) and tried a few new games. I also caught up on some shows I haven’t been watching and I am trying to get back to walking more, even if it’s just on the treadmill.
My physical activity has waned a great deal since 2020 so my goal this year is to get back to that. I might not be as active as I once was but I need to get more active than I currently am.
I don’t make New Year’s Resolutions anymore. I stopped doing that years ago but I do have a few Realistic goals for myself that I know I can accomplish.
So what will 2024 bring? I have no idea, to be honest. The year has just begun but so far, I’m cautiously (emphasis on the cautiously) optimistic.
This is a short post but thank you so much for reading!

Hope its a good one for you and yours Michelle. I'm trying not to worry too much about whats going on the world but its not alwasys easy. cheers