Getting Lost in Skyrim - And Loving it!
Updated: Sep 18, 2022

The country has lost its mind. I’ve known this for some time now. Our leaders are morons leading other morons to do pretty atrocious things to other people, from banning abortion to calling parents of transgender kids child abusers - to banning books.
Books are essential to our society. And correct me if I’m wrong but aren’t they also a pivotal part of our beloved free speech that so many of these morons keep spouting as part of our sacred constitution?
Maybe I’m the crazy one here and maybe I’m misunderstanding what free speech means but going to a freaking library - ARMED - and threatening the UNARMED librarian if they don’t ban the books you don’t like is just a whole other category of evil in my mind.
Which is why I call them MORONS. Ignorance has an awful way of showing just how evil people can be, and the depths of evil people will go when they blindly believe in something that they, themselves have no real idea about.

That and me dealing with sending my high school sophomore to school now with the knowledge that school shootings are still a thing, despite the fact that Congress past a new gun law.
And the fact that on the second day of school there was a scare. Thankfully, it turned out to be a false alarm but it was scary nonetheless.
And this is where Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim comes into play. It wasn’t planned actually. My plan for taking three weeks off from streaming was to get my home organized and other things but that hasn’t happened yet.
I still have another week and I am known to pull some sort of magic-last-minute whats-it out of my ass so I’m good.
I saw a friend post on Twitter her photos of the new characters she made in Skyrim. Then I saw a favorite YouTuber of mine also post some stuff and it made me want to get back into the game.
And here we are…
I have been playing Skyrim now for the past two weeks and have gotten lost in the game. No, seriously, I get lost so much in this game. But I am also lost in the lore and just enjoying every minute of it.
So much in fact, that I have come up with some pretty cool ideas for videos of my own for my YouTube channel. I even wrote a script for one, haha.

That's a thing that some of the bigger YouTubers do when planning out their videos. I actually did find it very helpful.
I made several new characters, discovered some pretty amazing mods that I will definitely be talking about in the near future on my channel, and I’m getting to know the world of Skyrim.
I have played the game in the past but never really committed to finishing the game or even getting very far.
But now I am in that space. Where getting lost in the fantasy and lore of any story - be it a video game, a movie, or a book - provides one with so much freedom to just be ourselves. It also expands our own little worlds that we sometimes get stuck in and broadens our minds.
Why would anyone want to take that from anyone else? Yeah, I’m talking to you morons who are threatening librarians and wanting to ban books!
The ability for one to use our imaginations and broaden our horizons to look beyond ourselves is such a gift. No one has the right to take that away from anyone else.
Skyrim is one such story. One such world where we can do all of these amazing things. Plus, we get to be the heroes and fight dragons. Who doesn’t love that?
Thanks so much for reading!

I really need to pick this game up one of these days. It definitely seems right up my alley. I spent almost 200 hours on Kingdoms of Amalur. And totally agree with you on the morons. I can't believe we are dealing with this shit in 2022