Baldur's Gate: The New Standard for RPGs? (My Latest Obsession)
Updated: Aug 13, 2023

I purchased Baldur’s Gate 3 during early access about a year ago. The game looked so good! The characters look amazing, the graphics are top-notch, and I wanted to learn more about the story. It looked fascinating.
But it is a turn-based, DnD-style rpg and I’ve never played one of those before. Dragon Age: Origins comes close but it isn’t turn-based, which I like.
I vaguely remember DnD being a thing back in the 80s when I was a kid but my siblings and I never got into it. In fact, I don’t think anyone I knew played the game. I also vaguely remember hearing about the Satanic Panic around the game but again, it wasn’t front and center in my life so I never paid much attention.
So DnD was never my thing and I will be clear here and now, It Still Isn’t.
However, Baldur’s Gate 3 caught my attention so I purchased the game thinking that I wouldn’t have a problem learning how to play the turn-based gameplay style.
I was wrong!
Dude, I couldn’t even get off the ship!
I was in the game for 96 minutes (half of that was in character creator though because, uh well, it’s character creator) and I got so frustrated - mostly with myself because I felt defeated and told myself I was incapable of learning this play style.
I uninstalled the game and beat myself up over spending $65 on a game I can’t play. To say I was upset is an understatement.

Recently, the full release came out and I have been watching one of my favorite Let’s Play YouTubers play the game. I observed the gameplay more closely. Then I hopped over to another YouTuber that showed some of the combat and gave some strategy tips.
I decided to reinstall the game. I was committed this time. I really wanted to learn. I went into story mode though, just to be on the safe side.
After spending a half hour in character creation, making my Drow Rogue, I finally stepped into the game with a new motivation to figure this thing out.
And I’ve been obsessed ever since. I even made a second character (and a third, haha) - though anyone who knows me knows I love to make one of every type of character, and Baldur’s Gate 3 gives me A LOT of options.
The Character Creator is the best I’ve ever seen. That alone, made me want to go back and try. Even if I failed, I would have a few really amazing-looking ladies to show off on Instagram, lol.
I haven’t gotten very far in the story yet. I’m still on the first island after all. But I finally GOT OFF THE DAMN SHIP! Haha!

The turn-based gameplay does take some getting used to but this time around, I adjusted fairly quickly, taking my time to really learn.
It’s still not my favorite or preferred playstyle though. It’s a lot to learn. I’m not used to really controlling the other team members. I mean, in the Dragon Age games we have that option, and on Nightmare mode, it is highly recommended that you do so.
However, outside of Nightmare difficulty, I really don’t bother strategizing what my team does (well, except for occasionally Wynne when she doesn’t try to heal anyone, which is weird because she’s my healer).
So it’s a lot to learn with turn-based gameplay. I’m still committed to learning but I know I will never be a master at this particular style. I just like to roll with it.
And that is where we head into what I’ve been hearing from a lot of YouTubers and other gamers who see Baldur’s Gate 3 as setting a new high bar when it comes to RPGs.

In some ways, yes. I agree with this.
Here is what I see as a positive:
For one thing, the Character Creator. Did I mention how good it is in Baldur’s Gate 3? I’ll say it again for the people in the back - IT’S FUCKING AMAZING!!!
The graphics are amazing and I can play it on my 4-year-old PC without having to upgrade anything (I’m looking at you Starfield).
The absolute passion of the developers for this game. You see, when the developers give a game their all, it really shows in their final product. This is something we gamers have been missing since corporations have taken over gaming and only focus on what’s going to make them the most money. Plus, corps don’t have the passion. They only want money.
This leads to my next point: microtransactions and other predatory money-making shady things these corps are doing to ruin most games. (Like Destiny 2 hiding Solstice Armor glows behind a damn paywall - don't even get me started)
Baldur’s Gate 3 has no microtransactions. No buying extra stuff while in-game that just really takes a lot of us out of the immersion but also is just sus people.
The game was delivered IN FULL!! We have had this issue with major AAA games that talk a big game but when the game launches, its half finished and there are so many issues that some of them aren't even playable at launch. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor and Cyberpunk 2077 are two games that come to mind.
Early Access!!! This has been a huge positive in my view. I have bought a few games in early access and it’s a great experience because the gamers get to let the devs know what they like and don’t like. It gives the devs feedback while they perfect their game. And look at the results!!
This game takes me back to the days when you just popped into a game to enjoy it. No strings attached. A great game with a great story and great characters.
Each RPG is different. I think of Skyrim and Mass Effect. I love those two games. Both of those games made major waves upon their releases. Mostly what most gamers want, regardless of the genre, however, is that the game lives up to the hype. I will say this though, I am thoroughly enjoying Baldur's Gate 3. It gives some Dragon Age: Origins vibes minus the turn based gameplay but DA:O was similar in the gameplay in many respects.
Maybe Bioware should try to bring that back in future Fantasy games. Maybe others should consider doing the same. Some developers are upset about Baldur's Gate 3 exceeding gamers' expectations but many have been supportive and are even playing the game.
Bioware themselves congratulated them. The company that made the first two Baldur's Gate games, congratulated Larian studios on their success.
That's what we need to see more of.

Baldur's Gate 3 is just a good ole fashioned RPG game with lots of options, great characters, an awesome story, and beautiful graphics.
Oh, and the Modding Community! There will definitely be some modding and a future list, for sure!
It’s not that companies like Bioware aren’t passionate about the games they develop. The problem is mostly their publisher, EA but let’s be honest here: Bioware has gone a bit too corporate these days and it definitely shows.
The last new IP they developed - Anthem, did not live up to expectations. It definitely didn’t live up to Bioware standards and gamers’ expectations of what a Bioware game is supposed to be.
Anthem is good for a short time. The combat was excellent in the game. The story though - where Bioware really shines - was... okay, and way too short.
I still believe in Bioware. Hell, I am a Bioware fangirl, but I would be lying to myself if I sat here and said they were still at the top of their game. They haven’t been for quite some time but I am still rooting for them. So damn much!

In this way, I think Larian Studios - the developers of Baldur’s Gate 3 (Baldur’s Gate was in fact, a Bioware IP originally) is setting a new standard though as far as how game developers need to have more creative freedom to make their games and get back to basics, if you will.
At the end of the day, that is where I see Baldur’s Gate 3 really shining a light on the game industry right now. Let the creatives do what they do best - make great games with great stories and great characters.
Anyway, just my opinion here.
Thanks so much for reading!

My PC is probably too old and slow to run this but the original games on PS2 are among my all time favorites. They really got me back into gaming after not playing anything since I was a kid at the arcade