My Family and I Finally Got Covid

After 3 years of being so careful and avoiding situations that could get me sick - we even stayed away from family members who got Covid - my family and I finally got it.
And it sucks!!!
I’ve been sick since last Saturday and boy, let me tell you, this shit is basically the worst flu I ever had. I even lost my voice. And did you know that you could hurt your ribs from coughing too much?
Well, that’s a new thing I learned this past week.
I’ve been sick before and coughed a lot in my time but never once to the point where my ribs hurt so bad that I could feel them sore even as I breathed. That was scary.
Last week was my youngest’s Winter Break. I was all set to do some recording of games, stream Horizon Zero Dawn more than once a week, and get things done around my house that need to get done.
All of that went out the window when, on Tuesday I picked up my son from his dad’s (who was sick but he gets sick a lot so we didn’t think anything of it) and by Tuesday night, he was running a fever full on with chills and everything.
Still, I thought, “maybe it's the flu.” We have been so good about keeping away from sick people and we hardly socialize with anyone so it really wasn’t a thought in my head.
All day Wednesday, I couldn’t get my son’s fever down. He couldn’t get warm and he was stuffy and coughing. I still just thought it was the regular old flu.
Then his dad texted me that he was positive for Covid.
Oh Shit!
So I tested my son and he came up positive as well. I made an appointment with his doctor and she said that I would definitely get it because I have been taking care of my son without a mask on.
No shit!
Except that come Friday I was testing negative. I’ll admit, I did think that maybe it would somehow pass me over.
Then Saturday came.
I woke up with a fever, sore throat, headache, and chills. I tested positive for Covid. Since then I lost my voice from coughing way too much. I didn’t get anything done I had planned to do but sleep has not been a friend.
Each day I am getting better. The worst day was Sunday. Monday was bad too. Tuesday my fever finally broke and Wednesday was the first sign that I was on the mend.
I am still sick. My voice is coming back slowly but surely. I don’t know how long it will take to come back but I’m getting there. I haven’t eaten much at all in a week. I think I ate twice. Mostly, I have been eating jello cups just to soothe my throat.
That has been the worst part of this for me. It felt like I had the flu and Strep Throat at the same time.
My son was back to his normal self by Monday and thankfully, my oldest has been isolating himself from everyone so he hasn’t gotten it.
Knock on wood! I’m not a superstitious person but I’ll knock on wood for my kid if it helps in any way at all
We also found out who we got it from. So it wasn’t any of us that did anything different but someone else who did and brought it to us. To be fair, that person didn’t know the person they were around had Covid.
It’s just one of those things.
But we are on the mend.
Thanks so much for reading!
It seems like it really was going to be impossible to avoid forever. I only know a small handful at this point that haven't. Glad your starting to feel better.