5 Ways I have Combated Anxiety in November

I don’t know about you but I have been feeling uneasy lately. Well, mostly, it’s been this whole past year. 2020 into 2021 has not been fun times and not just because of Covid. It looks, from where I am sitting, that the world is on fire right now and it doesn’t seem to be going out anytime soon. In fact, the fire may very well spread to every corner of the Earth, including my own little peaceful neck of the woods, and that, I find, very unsettling and anxiety-inducing.
The level of stress and anxiety I sometimes feel because of all the anger out there and hatred keeps me up some nights. There is just way too much negative energy in the environment right now.
But I have still found ways to keep a level head and alleviate my anxiety and stress this past month.
1. Writing about it:
Not on my blog necessarily but in my personal journal. Writing it down, the good, the bad, and the ugly, helps me to express my feelings in a safe way that afterwards, I tend to feel a bit better.
2. Going for walks:
I have not had a lot of time to do this and it is definitely on my list of things I want to improve upon but getting to spend some time with nature (and the exercise too) really helps calm me. When I come back home I am both energized and motivated to continue on with my day in a much more positive manner.
3. Gaming:
Gaming helps me a lot! Especially RPGs like Dragon Age. Skyrim, and Mass Effect. Modding Skyrim and Dragon Age have given me a new excitement about them and playing new characters I don’t normally play is a plus. It’s an escape and keeps my mind occupied. I will be posting a new mod list soon.
4. Slow Jazz with Autumn Themes:
This one is a newly discovered thing that I have been enjoying lately. I found this on YouTube. There are these videos that display something like an Autumn colored park or coffee shop playing nature sounds and smooth jazz in the background. I find this so relaxing. I play these when I write (I’m listening to one right now) and sometimes even fall asleep to them.
5. Reading a Classic:
Modern books are great but I don’t always find pleasure in reading some of them when I am stressed out or am experiencing too much anxiety that I can’t sleep. So I choose to read some classics like Pride & Prejudice (my favorite) or what I’m reading now, Wuthering Heights (although I do have some issues with this book). The point is to be taken as far away from this world as I can get. To a whole other time and place, I can only see in my imagination.
There is so much negativity around us all right now. We all have to find ways in which we can cope and find our own happiness. Sometimes, just getting through the day can be a chore so when we find things, especially the little things, that can make us happy, why not go for it, right?!
Thanks so much for reading!!

Anything that works for you is awesome. I don't think enough people realize that sometimes just something simple can make a huge difference in your mood